Thursday, March 6, 2025

Flip-Floppin' Away


The woefull state of the politics of our great nation distracts me from musing here on the latest efforts of the Missionary Media to enlighten us (something I long to do, those efforts being so dull, smug, and offensive). So bear with me, as someone said recently, as I marvel at the bewildering, inconsistent actions of our scatter-brained leader and the regime he's put in place to assure we're passengers in what may be called "Mr. Trump's Wild Ride."

Federal employees are fired or laid off without thought, for no reason but to satisfy the urge to do so.  Then, when reality intrudes on the termination spree and the disciples of Musk understand that in their enthusiasm to do his bidding they've fired useful and necessary people, efforts are made to rehire them.  And now that even those with rudimentary intelligence understand that thinking should precede action, we're told by one such person that while many will be fired because that is in some vaguely defined sense necessary, "good people" should be spared the axe.

We're now told that instead of a chainsaw, a scalpel is to be used.  Mirabile dictu!

Tariffs are threatened and imposed, and then relaxed or rescinded. Claims are made departments will be dissolved; then it's denied that they were made.  

Unprincipled people act haphazardly. They react haphazardly as well. They have certain desires they wish to gratify, and when acts taken fail to gratify those desires they reverse them.  They flip-flop.  They may do so again.  

In this case one of the desires of those in the regime is to satisfy the needs and wishes of rich, powerful people.  That's the function of government in a plutocracy.  So, cherished tariffs are made and unmade.

That function is complicated here due to the fact the regime leader is easily swayed by those who praise him and seek to satisfy his need for admiration. Also, he is notoriously unable or unwilling to be honest.  Tariffs imposed therefore are waived or postponed if the rich and powerful find them inconvenient, or if his ego is appropriately stroked.  Maybe he'll change his mind again.

But the haphazard, unpredictable conduct of the unpricipled creates uncertainty, and uncertainty is something plutocrats dislike and fear.  So perhaps his reckless conduct will be reigned in to protect the plutocrats. But where will that leave the rest of us?

Saturday, March 1, 2025

The Pride of the Patsy


Someone who is easily manipulated, cheated, duped--a patsy, in other words--is generally known, even famous, for this weakness. Those who use the patsy are aware of it of course but others become aware as the extent of the manipulation is clear, and the patsy is made a subject of ridicule.

The patsy suspects he/she is perceived to be a pushover.  This often is the reason why the patsy is so easily fooled.  The patsy resents being seen to be a patsy, and so is eager to achieve something significant which shows him/her to be someone to contend with; an intelligent, savvy mover and shaker.  So Fredo Corleone in The Godfather II, for example, betrayed his brother because he thought he would thereby accomplish something important for himself which would make him a player in the game.  That's what he was promised by those who used him.

Perhaps the greatest patsy in modern history was Neville Chamberlain, who famously sought to appease Hitler by agreeing on behalf of Great Britain that Germany could acquire most of Czechoslovakia in return for Hitler's promise that Germany would seek no further territory.  Chamberlain believed he had obtained "peace in our time" and told everyone he had done so.  We know what happened next.

Because the patsy suspects he/she is thought to be a fool, the patsy is eager for and demands respect. The greater the patsy is perceived as a dupe, the more angrily and often and publicly respect is demanded.

I think what we saw take place recently at the White House is an example of this trait of the patsy.  He knows he's been considered a patsy for quite some time, and for good reason. Thus he (together with his anxious lackey) demanded he be shown respect by the repetition of expressions of gratitude although those expressions have been made many times already.  Significantly, however, he insisted that he himself be thanked, or thanks be given to him. Thanks given in the past were inadequate.

Since he's done little more than repeat Russian contentions and cut Ukraine out of negotiations, the fact the thanks in the excessive form demanded weren't forthcoming shouldn't be surprising.  It may be the case, as some have claimed, that no amount of groveling would have sufficed in any case, as what took place was simply the patsy doing his best to be a patsy.

We may find that Chamberlain will be replaced and another take his place as the greatest.