Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Politics and Zugzwang

As I've noted in the past, zugzwang in chess refers to a position in which the player obligated to make a move cannot do so without being placed at a disadvantage, which may be serious or even "fatal."  An example of zugzwang appears above.

I've also opined in the past that a particular presidential election was similar to zugzwang in chess, as any vote--at least for a candidate likely to win--placed the voter at a disadvantage.  Are we in a similar situation as to the presidential election coming in November?  Probably, though I think the disadvantages which will result if one of the candidates is elected will far exceed those which will result from the election of the other.  But I begin to wonder whether zugzwang has come to characterize or will characterize most if not all elections in our Glorious Union.  In other words, I begin to wonder whether any choice to be made in any election will necessarily be disadvantageous.

That's a rather broad and gloomy statement, I know.  But our politics and politicians have become so debased I fear it is or will be true.

I think we have to acknowledge that there is less and less about our politics which makes worthy people interested in participating in it.  In fact, it has become so divisive, rancorous and corrupt that anyone with morals or intelligence will want to avoid any involvement in what is becoming to seem a cesspool.  We see even veteran members of Congress, who should be hardened souls, eager to escape the circus it's become.

The proceedings in Congress are already largely futile on important issues, as there is little urge to compromise or, it seems, even to govern if that means reasonably accommodating conflicting interests and positions, which is to be expected in any functioning democracy or republic.  Those who've noticed the anti-democratic leanings of many politicians on the right and fear their prominence may be prescient.  Those who think they know and serve the will of God, or what is truly good and right, have no patience with doubt or questions and won't compromise.  The simple-mindedness which underlies such intolerance is spreading.  People want to be told what to do.  Most of all, I believe, people don't want to think unless they must do so--it's better if others do the thinking for them.

As Congress fails to govern, people will look for other ways to "get things done."  They'll find someone who will at least appear to "make the trains run on time."

If the worthy among us refuse to participate actively in the politics of our Great Republic, the unworthy will quickly take their place.  The venal, the fanatic, the ignorant, the stupid will run for office or determine who will or will not be candidates for them, or obtain them.  Elections and the governmental bodies which those elected will grace with their presence will become freak shows of sorts.  The performers in the shows will be the scraps and leavings of our population, thralls to the rich or corporations, or grim and stunted followers of intolerant ideologies or political "leaders."

It's an old story.  We've seen it all before.  Though we know the past, we may still be doomed to repeat it, as we don't change or refuse to do so.

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