Benjamin Disraeli, the brilliant Prime Minister of England, once said: "There is no act of treachery or meanness of which a political party is not capable; for in politics there is no honour." This observation seems particularly applicable at this time, especially regarding the Republican Party. But we must add to it the observation that while there is no honour in politics, nor is there courage or even intelligence as to that party in particular as the best evidence is it is for the most part made up of individuals so craven, so corrupt, so entirely spineless as to seem incredible.
How do we explain, otherwise, the fact that the Republicans making up the Senate and the House have become mere slaves to the grotesque creature who leads their party? They cringe and obey him whatever he does and says. If they had any intelligence or sense of history, they would understand that it's against their interests as members of the Legislative Branch to allow him and his lackeys to emasculate them and the government. They've become political castrati singing his tune in high, piping voices. They mince about the stage on which his bizarre opera is being played out, as if flaunting their servility.
Some of them gave lip service to the sanctity of our Constitution and the insurrection attempt in the past. But they've changed their tune. Now they parrot the claims he makes that January 6th was a lovefest. They sanction pardons of those who threatened and injured members of law enforcement who strove to save their sorry asses on that day, which marked the end of American exceptionalism. They fall over themselves in competition to praise his most fantastic claims and proposals. They nod approvingly as he wrecks havoc. The struggle to defend his caprices.
They shamelessly prostitute themselves in his service, as if he is their pimp. We hear that some of his acolytes have joyfully said that "Daddy's home" as he took office. There's something odd, indeed disturbing, when grown men bleat such a claim in their excitement. How long have they eagerly awaited their Daddy's return, poor fellows? They cherish their Daddy's approval. They pander to those he panders to, simpering in their passion to please him.
What they do makes so little sense, and is such an extreme abandonment and surrender of their dignity and authority, that an argument can be made that they're victims of the psychological condition of infantilism--the retention of childish physical, mental and emotional characteristics in adult life. How is it possible for them to have any self-respect?
We can only hope that they recover themselves somehow, and remember that they're supposed to be representatives of the people with obligations under the Constitution they've sworn to preserve, protect and defend. Before it's too late.
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